During Winter Conditioning (Open Gym) players will work on fundamental baseball skills, discipline, team work and physical well being. This is a great opportunity to keep the kids active and work on developing their skills for spring baseball. This is a free program and open to all children (girls and boys) who are interested in learning to play baseball. All skill levels are welcome and encouraged to spend this time to gauge interest and interact with peers.
Bellevue Elementary Gymnasium
435 Lincoln Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15202
*Please enter through the double doors marked "B4" located on South Howard Street. Right as you walk in, there will be a flight of stairs taking you straight to the gym.
Please bring a glove and water bottle. All other equipment will be provided. You are encouraged to send a request to
[email protected] if you would like to borrow a glove or need assistance with transportation.
On Mondays starting February 6th
T-Ball & Instructional (4-8 y/o) 6:00-7:00 PM
Minor & Major (9-12 y/o) 7:00-8:00 PM